Controlling Dental Anxiety


bonding, crowns, bridges, root canal, dentures, whitening, veneers, Fitchburg, 01420


You are not alone by being fearful of your dental visit. There are many people like you. This is normal.
We are here to make your dental visit as comfortable and safe as possible.


NuCalm is a patented all-natural stress management technology proven to lower stress and improve sleep quality without drugs.  NuCalm safely and rapidly “flips the switch” on stress and creates deep relaxation by mimicking patterns your brain recognizes to help relax.  When you are in a deeply relaxed state, your body can heal, recover, and rejuvenate. For more information, please visit


Nitrous Oxide sedation, also known as “laughing gas” is commonly used to make treatment more comfortable. It is inhaled through a mask that allows you to breathe in the medication and induces a state of relaxation.


This medication can be given to a patient the night before a dental procedure and/or 60 minutes prior to the dental appointment, depending on the severity of the anxiety. Oral sedatives will allow us to perform routine dentistry in a safe and comfortable environment.


We can get the services of a dental anesthesiologist. The dental anesthesiologist is a dentist who had additional training of 2-3 years in administering general anesthesia. He will bring all the monitoring equipment to our office. You will be completely put to sleep under the supervision of a paramedic and a dental anesthesiologist. If you choose this option we will provide you with the information necessary to set up your appointment and get you started with your dental needs.

1141 South Street, Suite 2

Fitchburg, MA 01420


Call us today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm